Thursday, September 27, 2012

Monday, September 24, 2012


Can't help but think of the Southpark bike when I see this…
(you know the one. No? search images for it)
Interesting ideas but lacks the style, grace and practicality of a regular bike you'd have to think. Photobucket
Click the pic for the full run down.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Bikes, Ladies, Tatts, Skateboards, all the good stuff, click the pick to check it out. Photobucket

1912 - 2012 Satchel Ride.

“In 1909 and again in 1912, a relay race was held to prove how effective a bicycle would be in helping to transmit a military dispatch across the country in times of national emergency. The relay race had cyclists carrying a satchel with a document from Adelaide – through Melbourne – and onto Sydney. There were over 60 relay points where pairs of cyclists took over from each other and managed the entire 1148 miles (over 1800 km) in just over 69 hours! In the second running, cyclists were racing motor bikes and motor cars. On handicap, the cyclists won by several hours! We have found the original satchels and even a medal awarded to a member of the relay team but now we are seeking to retrace the original relay points and create a commemorative route for current and future generations to explore and also better understand the role of the many towns along the route and the amazing cyclists who made history! We have already reconnoitred the first half to Melbourne and will soon do the rest. This video tries to capture some of the moments along the route. An extended version of the video is going into production soon. Would you like to know more or be kept informed of developments? Write to us at”

Friday, September 7, 2012

LBO = Look Before Opening.

Would be considerate if more people did… Photobucket Click on the pic to check out this initiative to change driver behaviour & habits aiming to reduce the serious injuries and deaths from drivers who forget to check before opening their car door.


Got a spare 52 minutes? Pedal, a doco directed by Peter Sutherland back in 2001.
Classic. Check it out again. (or for the first time, if you haven't seen it already)


Photobucket Click the pic for more…